
Juan Cruz Tubi and Dr. Osarenotor

Our innovation is a process that has been studied for over 30 years in academia but has seen limited applications, a process called mycofiltration. This process uses the main body of fungi, mycelium, to biologically filter out nitrogen and phosphorus from water. This process has 10x less CO2 emissions than traditional water treatment, it costs minimal energy and is 100% organic, meaning it can be applied in situ for localised pollution treatment, further reducing costs. The cherry on top, all the nutrients collected in this process are accumulated in the biomass of these organisms and through composting they are turned back into fertile soil for farming. Since this is happening at the farm, all soil generated in this process can be reapplied in the same farm, no new pollutant is introduced.

Why BeStart?

I joined BeStart to connect to the relevant stakeholders in the nitrogen crisis. This is government entities regulating emissions, entities providing services to farmers to manage their emissions,entities providing subsidies for innovation for farmers to adopt innovations and farmers themselves. I hope BeStart can connect me to the relevant people within these organisations or at least, point me in the right direction.

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Founders Mycofarming Portrait
Patrick Hülkenberg & Alexandru Gheorghe

Emito revolutionizes mobility management for businesses, with a focus on MKB companies in the Netherlands, by offering a user-friendly platform to monitor and report employee travel patterns. With the WPM regulation effective from July 1st, 2024, compliance is crucial for companies with over 100 employees. Our app not only meets regulatory standards but exceeds them with features like automatic trip tracking, gamification, and incentives for sustainable practices. Collaborating with byAr Bicycle and Fietspechpas under the Poldar Groep, we've developed the BAAS-concept (Bicycle as a service), providing a comprehensive sustainability solution. This includes access to long-lasting e-bikes, a 24/7 service of the bikes, a fully on or off grid charging station as well as the Emito app for the connection of these pieces and the linkage to the sustainability regulations, ensuring that we deliver the most advanced sustainability solution available.

Why BeStart?

We joined BeStart to further validate our concept and test our Emito app MVP in a real-world environment. This program offers us the chance to reflect on our progress thus far and identify any overlooked or skipped steps we may have missed initially. Moreover, we are eager to gather valuable feedback from end-users and company management, enabling us to refine the usability of our app. Additionally, we aspire to establish pilot locations in the northern Netherlands and create partnerships with universities for engaging student projects. We believe that innovation thrives when we embrace fresh perspectives and break free from limitations, and we hope to take these opportunities to enhance our business within this program

Emito logo
Founders Emito Portrait
Sander ten Cate and Stefan Spaas

The product is a formulation based on a biodegradable biocide and a exopolysaccharide (glucose) mixed in water. The product is injected into the waterflow of cooling water systems and forms a protective layer on the internal surfaces of a system.

Why BeStart?

To create more focus in business development and to expand our network with relevant connections that really matter to our business.

Termanox Logo
Sander one of the founders of Termanox
Tamme van der Wal

We map the unseen. Soil property maps are important to farmers and their advisors to build a strategy for regenerative agriculture. To date, the spatial 'management unit' is the field, but with modern machines and data processing tools, this can go way beyond. That is what we call 'precision farming', where the management becomes location based or even plant based. Most properties are invisible but with our maps they become available to work with. Farmers can use our maps to strategise their cultivation, becoming both more climate resilient and more profitable.

Why BeStart?

Support in organising the business, in making choices for a better focus and in getting a better grip on our growth and scale out.

Bioscope Logo
Founders Bioscope Portrait
Pim de Lange

Our solar-powered mobile desalination unit provides clean drinking water in remote areas facing water scarcity. Directly powered by the sun, it offers an eco-friendly solution without the need for any batteries. By sharing the costliest part of water projects, the filtration system, it enables access to clean water for rural communities and small villages. Its mobility allows deployment in various locations, ideal for emergencies and remote communities. Equipped with advanced filtration technology, it can treat brackish well water, seawater, and contaminated surface water, ensuring reliable access to clean water.

Why BeStart?

I initiated the Bestart program to fast-track the growth of my company and to connect with fellow entrepreneurs who share similar goals of mutual growth. Wetsus, a knowledge institute in the water sector, highlighted the Bestart program on its website for entrepreneurs. It allowed me to network with individuals within the water industry and foster collaborative growth.

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Portrait of Pim de Lange founder Aquapreneurs
Hydrogen Prospect
Piotrek Lewandowski and Piotr Angiel

Hydrogen Prospect is in the business of producing green hydrogen through electrolysis delivering and utilizing waste heat and waste cooling from operations in other sectors (like tech, health, food industry, etc).

Why BeStart?

We would like to be laser focused on how to integrate our solutions and product into the market.

Hydrogen Prospect Logo
Founder Hydrogen Prospect
Catherine van der Meer and Atze Atema

Beautiful inside and outside. FlowBox is a clever piece of woodwork made from leftover material. Each planter, birdhouse or other product has its own story, is handmade and therefore unique. FlowBox stands for a stylish, modern and natural look. Our products contribute directly to a sustainable society.

Why BeStart?

We came to Bestart through Verenging Circular Fryslan. With FlowBox, we want to initiate a movement. Joining forces, bringing people together and giving something beautiful back to society. Bestart's network can help us with our challenges to take the next steps within our startup.

Flowbox Logo
Flowbox Portrait
Butter Bridge
Harmen Oterdoom and Steef Steeneken

Butter Bridge has developed a plan to treat residues containing critical raw materials in the Netherlands. The aim is to extract critical raw materials such as copper, cobalt, nickel and vanadium from small batches using electrical furnaces.

Why BeStart?

BeStart is the perfect launching platform and support us with the experience they have in setting up business in the Northern Provinces of the Netherlands.

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Butterbridge Founders
Soufiane el Khinifri and Niels Janssens

Spatialise addresses the measurement, optimisation, and monitoring challenges in the food value chain, ensuring compliance and sustainability while enhancing efficiency. With a growing world population, farmers face increasing pressure to produce large quantities of crops. Modern farming techniques prove unsustainable, contributing to soil degradation, biodiversity loss, famine, and desertification. By leveraging cutting-edge AI technology, Spatialise envisions a future where farmers worldwide can seamlessly implement sustainable and environmentally conscious farming methods. This entails providing comprehensive insights into soil health, fostering optimal land management, and contributing to the long-term ecological resilience of the agricultural sector.

Why BeStart?

Spatialise joined BeStart to strengthen their business acumen and skills in a structured format. Next to that Spatialise is aiming to fortify its presence in the North.

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Spatialise Founders
Foamprint 3D
Olivier J. Nguon and Claas Willem Visser

We developed a groundbreaking technology for the rapid 3D printing of polymer foams, with the highest resolution on the market. Our manufacturing platform delivers on performance, customization, design and sustainability.

Why BeStart?

BeStart presents a compelling opportunity for entrepreneurship innovation, leadership and impact. The program offers resources that will help accelerate FoamPrint3D's growth, shorten our time-to-market, and enable to connect with like-minded entrepreneurs and industry partners; all furthering our mission to promote a more sustainable world.

Foamprint Logo
Founder FoamPrint Portrait
Zeeshan Ahmed, Wendy Volkers, and Taco van Meeteren

Zavhy's 3D concrete printing (3DCP) transforms construction by addressing challenges with efficient layering, reducing waste, and offering customizable structures. Using eco-friendly materials and precise application, it aligns with sustainability goals, lowers carbon footprints, and integrates with Building Information Modeling (BIM) for streamlined construction. Zavhy's end-to-end solution optimises 3DCP, driving industry digitisation and automation.

Why BeStart?

Zavhy's primary value proposition centers on decarbonizing the building and construction industry, positioning it as a cleantech or climate tech startup. One significant challenge is persuading the government, its primary stakeholder, to adopt Zavhy's sustainability and circularity solutions and to allow pilot projects. Stricter regulations related to circularity and sustainability in construction tenders could help offset the additional costs of Zavhy's 3D concrete printing (3DCP) solution and facilitate widespread adoption in the Dutch construction industry. Zavhy seeks to understand how to effectively approach European governments to adopt and promote policies favoring climate change and cleantech startups from the BeStart program.

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Founders Zavhy Team
Chris de Graaff

Our product is an integrated suite of apps designed to monitor and manage aquatic vegetation. It uses artificial intelligence and satellite data to accurately track the growth of water plants. This information is provided to water managers for informed decision-making, to mowing contractors for efficient operations, and to recreational users for safe and enjoyable routes. The goal is to balance ecological health and recreational accessibility in water bodies.

Why BeStart?

We joined BeStart because we see it as a great opportunity to grow and scale our venture. Through the program, we hope to gain valuable insights from experts, investors, and fellow green tech startups. We also look forward to leveraging BeStart's network and resources to further develop our business strategy, refine our product offerings, and expand our reach in the market.

Portrait Founder Waterplanten